Wednesday, 9 November 2022

The church is dead...Long live the Church


Many people these days seem to think the Church has passed it's sell by date. We're always being told It's irrelevant, pointless and weak. People seem to think it causes nothing but division, and is the decaying remnants of a once great institution that no longer has a place in society...other than maybe as a picture on a postcard or Christmas image of tradition and a reminder of what once, was, the cornerstone of society.

As the cast of Monty python might say:

"Its not pinin'! 'it's passed on! The Church is no more! It has ceased to be! 'it's expired and gone to meet it's maker!

It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! It's pushing up the daisies!

It's metabolic processes are now history! It's off the twig!

It's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the choir invisibile!!"

That's what I want to look at in today's post

A quick point of order before we get stuck in:

I thought I was being terribly clever with my witty title, a quick Google search shows that I was very, very wrong, and it's been used a lot (like a lot) so just as a mini disclaimer, this is my own work, not derivative or pinched from anyone else, I've drawn my on conclusions and opinions, so any resemblance to any other post is purely coincidental.

Would the last one out please turn off the lights!
Lots of polls and opinion pieces will tell you that the Church in the west is declining.
A quick Google search provided these sobering graphs specifically in relation to the United Kingdom. Published in June 2022 (click to zoom in)

I'll leave you to read the full article yourselves if you're interested. But a few sobering points to note:

- some denominations could be extinct within 20 years

- the Church in Wales (including several nonconformist denominations) could be extinct within 30 years

- "The Church of England and Catholics should last until the second half of the century. However, they need to take urgent action now. Stemming losses is not enough. None of us can prevent ageing! Whatever their current denominational emphases, they should put all aside to encourage members to make new disciples who can replicate themselves. Praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit would not go amiss either."

A Church of two halves:
This next section is going to be a bit of a long winded, explanation of my opinion of what the figures and graphs are trying to say...but stick with me...I'll leave a summary/tldr (too long didn't read) at the end of this section if you just want to quite literally jump to my conclusion.

Interesting to note as a starting point, is that while older more established and traditional denominations are for the most part, in decline, more modern denominations seem to be increasing membership, also of note is that the churches that seem to be growing are the more evangelical ones.

I don't fully hold with the distinctions the website makes between liberal/evangelical churches, the definitions are a little unhelpful...a church can definitely be liberal as well evangelical in the sense of having liberal theology/doctrines/policies and still very much be committed to evangelism and reaching out...I think I would prefer the distinction of an insular, inward looking church whose main focus (note: main not only) on deepening relationships and discipleship Vs a mainly outward looking, convert grabbing focused church...which is pretty much the distinction I think they're trying to make, but with slightly dodgy terminology (just my thoughts anyway)

Whatever the terminology, the graphs are quite interesting...the larger Churches that are perhaps somewhat comfortable in their place, have established, and well known, long histories etc have, maybe become a little too comfortable, the sense of urgency is perhaps not there... obviously each denomination and individual church community will have their own reasons for growth or decline, and within the declining denominations they're will, of course be those communities that are still thriving and growing. So I don't want to oversimplify or stereotype whole denominations based on limited figures.

The younger Churches, that don't have that established history, I suppose are fighting to carve out their niche within the UK Christian community...they don't have an established following or reputation, (I guess is the word), to fall back on. So they must constantly be pushing forward, constantly be telling and showing people who they are.

The established denominations have enjoyed being ingrained in the public psyche for generations... generally people know who they are, they're represented on television, with things that are just part of our accepted traditions and shared experiences...just as a quick example, we see a priest in a dog collar we instantly know and understand what their role is, we make certain assumptions about beliefs, traditions and practices. We see a traditional Church and people instantly think of weddings, baptisms and funerals etc...maybe this privileged position in society has led to a certain amount of apathy?

Perhaps this apathy explains a lot of the issues the traditional Church faces...again another quick example...50-60 years ago you could probably assume most people went to church or at very least Sunday school when they were growing up. Stories like Noah's ark, fall of Jericho, David Vs Goliath etc were universally known by pretty much everybody... today, that's not the case. Even key components of Christianity and the story of Christ are not so well known. Even Christmas and the crucifixion are being pushed back and forgotten about...the established church hasn't really had the need to explain these kinds of stories, they have always subconsciously assumed that everybody was starting from an established knowledge base...and so haven't really had to worry too much about getting basic teachings and knowledge out there...and in my opinion haven't kept pace with changing society. 

Lots of the younger Churches are starting from an assumption that the people they're evangelising to, are completely starting from scratch, no prior knowledge or experience of the Church. Therefore seem to have more of a sense of urgency, and are building, pretty much from nothing... this the way I envision it; that the established denominations are like a fortress constantly building up defenses while unbeknownst to them, their foundations are cracking. Perhaps that's a little extreme, as their true foundations are in Christ and unshakable... Maybe a better analogy is to say that they're building defences while those inside are either comfortable and fast asleep unaware of any danger, or sneaking out the back contrast to this imposing but sleepy and unprepared fortress I see these newer denominations as a lightly armed but passionate and strong raiding party, the trade off is that without the established fortress, or place of retreat the raiding party can be vulnerable.

(Skip to here for conclusion or tldr...if you made it through my rambling about the figures then congratulations and thank you)

The point I'm trying to make in all of the above. Is that there is no one way, that is all encompassing and works for everyone and everything the Church will encounter. There are benefits to being established and all the history and collective knowledge and traditions that the older denominations have accumulated. Likewise there is value and strength in the modern more outward looking denominations...both together could be paraphrase and build on James 2:14-26 'faith without works is dead' I would say: worship and discipleship, growth etc without looking outwards is to miss the point of being the Church, as is looking outward without focusing on our own discipleship and community ties/foundations... essentially we need each other, all our different skills and passions need to work together to truly be the complete and unified Church that we are meant to be, and that the world needs us to be.

I know that all that is a massive oversimplification...the established Church does look outwards and the newer denominations do look inwards...I just wanted to help highlight the distinction and help to explain the different main focuses and methods of each type of own denomination, the Salvation Army has traditionally been very good at reaching out, both in social work and evangelism. I would also argue that in terms of attractive, meaningful and inspiring worship it's also very good... discipleship, spiritual gifts, meditation all the sort of inward stuff however, it's traditionally been a lot weaker at. It's working to address the imbalance and has come a very long way...but sometimes we're still poor at stopping and looking inwards.

Rising from the ashes, and starting again:

Coventry cathedral ruins

New Cathedral

Coventry cathedral is a great, practical example of a Church literally rising from the ashes... destroyed during the Blitz of WW2 and rebuilt next to it. Since then it has been a key focal point of the city, an important venue for many varied events, and could well be described as the spiritual centre of the city...the new cathedral is several hundred years younger than many UK's predecessor is around 500 years older and the original priory and cathedral founded around the year 1100, is around 300 years older than that...the Church , as in the whole church is very different from in those days.

Is it better? That would be to dishonour what has come is a different institution for a different age and different needs...but it retains much of the lessons and practices of the past.

One Church:
Whether you belong to some of the centuries old Churches like the orthodox Church or Roman Catholicism. Or if you belong to the new breed from the last 20 years or so. Or those of us in-between, you are the Church! You have all the rights, responsibilities and duties that come with that, you are commissioned to make disciples, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, bring hope to the hopeless, be the hands and feet of God Himself...that is your greatest responsibility, and your greatest privilege.

Our methods may differ completely. Each denomination has strengths and weaknesses, only together, can we be, the true Church of God that this world needs...we have to learn from each other, hold each other up, pick each other up when we stumble...the challenges of modern day life could well pick us all off one by one, if we don't hold fast to the foundations and promises of God, and hold fast to each other.

The established denominations can no longer rest on their laurels of age old traditions and assume the basic knowledge of the Bible and Christ that society once must get out there, meet people where they are. Invest in them, love them, help them grow and nurture needs something of the fire and new ways of thinking that some newer denominations take for granted (and I'm pleased to say many more established denominations and individual church communities are realising that, and are already making leaps and bounds in those areas) the same way some newer denominations need the accumulated strengths of the established Church, it needs a fortress, and resources, the established reputations, it needs to use the knowledge and lessons that have been bitterly learned over the centuries...we can't be either/or. In a new and challenging world, particularly with the fallout and decline after Covid, we must be all, and both. A new, united, confident but prayerful, considerate, loving Church. We can keep our traditions, as well as our new expressions but for the love of God, we need to work together and stop fighting amongst ourselves...we can disagree, have wildly different methods, after all everyone is different, some methods and styles will resonate more with some, and not with others, that doesn't make them inherently bad or good. As long as we're worshipping God, and working together then it's all good.

The Church, in 20, 30 or even 100 years from now may well look or be expressed radically different from how it is today, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, I have no doubt, that despite figures like the ones above, the Church will continue to endure and serve this world as it has done for 2000 years. 

The Church on fire:
As a final note, challenge and promise. I'm going to post the lyrics and a link to the song 'Church on fire'. This is a fantastic promise and challenge for the whole Church, for your denomination or community, of course, but also as a combined Church, each of us standing side by side, apart but also connected in brotherhood, celebrating our strengths, and building up our weaknesses, traditional and new expressions of the Church; God's Church, on fire, united, powerful and ready for action.

The church is dead...long live the Church!

"Church On Fire"

The Holy Spirit is here and His power is real

Anything can happen and it probably will

Something very good

Something good is going on around here

There is a light that shines to make the dark disappear

A power at work but there's nothing to fear

Something very good

Something good is going on around here

This is a church on fire

This is the Holy Spirit's flame

We have a burning desire

To lift up Jesus' Name

Let fire burn in every heart

To light the way defeat the dark

Let the flame of love burn higher

This is a church

This is a church on fire

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Disclaimer: the opinions and comments expressed in this blog are personal and do not necessarily represent the views and policies of the Salvation Army

Saturday, 5 November 2022

The Gospel according to Mario Kart Part 1: Super Mario Kart (When life knocks you down)


When everything's going smoothly, there isn't a cloud in the sky, nothings bothering you and life seems to be going well...then all of a sudden you have a 'red shell' moment... something unexpected and definitely unwelcome happens, you're made redundant, or you suffer a loss, anything like that...what's your initial reaction? Do you get angry? Do you blame others or yourself for your circumstances? Do you blame God and shout at him? The final question is, as Christians how should we react? How should we move forward?

Basing the initial idea for this post on a video game, may seem a little strange. And admittedly it's kind of derivative of those old 'gospel according to...' books that seemed to be all the rage a few years ago, like the Simpsons and Disney, I think there was a superhero one as well. But hey, stick with me. This is my rambling and personal take on the idea...I find inspiration in strange places and I think it's good sometimes to think outside the box. Inspiration and encouragement can be found anywhere if we look hard enough.

This is the first in a planned 4 part series looking at the lessons and biblical truths that we can learn from some of the main Mario Kart games... perhaps a little out there, but stick with me.

I've got a real thing for video games. Especially retro games. I always love it when I get to combine my love of video games, or Star Trek or any of the other strange stuff I'm into with matters of faith and religion, even better when those things let me look at biblical truths from a different angle and learn new things from them.

What is Mario Kart?

the original Mario Kart, released on the Super Nintendo console in 1992, may not have all the bells and whistles of the later games, but I do have a soft spot for it. It wasn't quite the first kart racer, but it really defined this kind of game, and it's just loads of fun to play.

Just to backtrack a little for anyone not familiar with the game series (where have you been?)

The Mario Kart series, is a racing game featuring some of Nintendo's most popular characters, the characters race around on go karts (hence the name) later games added motorbikes, and prams, barrels, rockets and so on. There are a huge amount of items, weapons and power-ups; some that make you go faster, slow others down, make others crash or spin off the's almost as famous for causing arguments as monopoly.

Running the race

You may already be questioning where I'm going with all this. I originally planned a simple post based around the well known verses about running the race Hebrews, Galatians, Corinthians, Paul in particular seemed to like using the race analogy, but the old testament is full of references to races as well; Jeremiah, Joel, Samuel and the Psalms to name a few.

But that's not really where I felt led to, while planning this post. Mario Kart and those games like it, aren't like normal racing games or any other real world race. Normally you'd expect the best racer to win, the one that's spent the most time practicing. And yes that is part of it, but the items and weapons I mentioned above, as well as obstacles and traps on the game's tracks add a real element of chance. This is where it's reputation for causing arguments comes from...often you can find yourself way ahead of the pack, then just before the finish line, you get hit with a red turtle shell that hunts you down and is very difficult to avoid...then you suddenly end up in last place and depending on whether or not you're a good loser you might have something to say about that...

Our own 'Red shell' moments

I've been pondering, as I often do, and it jumped into my head that getting hit by sudden nasty surprises like that, that totally derail our plans, sometimes send us spiraling in a different direction or cause us to lose our cool can often be a part of everyday life...from an unexpected redundancy, bereavement, illness, even floods and other natural disasters.

Sometimes when these things happen we look for someone or something to blame. If it's a video game like Mario Kart, we look for whichever of our friends or the computer characters (who definitely cheat of course) let the weapon fly, or crashed into us, or even just happened to be better at the game than us. and it can cause tension particularly if you're so close to winning and had it snatched away from you at the last second.

I know something of what that's like, which I'll go into pretty briefly, maybe it needs its own post one day...a few years ago I applied to become a full time minister. After what felt like a long time of doing everything that was expected of me, and working really hard on my personal development, putting my whole self into the process, probably more than I've ever applied myself to anything, and putting my whole self worth on the line I was rejected. it's still something that holds me back at times, that every now and again I still think about...I could blame the panel that made the decision, the way the news was delivered, lack of aftercare. I could blame those that mentored and prepared me (I don't, I was lucky . I could blame myself (and sometimes I do). At the time and occasionally now I still briefly and subconsciously look around for someone to blame, including myself. The truth is that perhaps I simply wasn't ready, or it wasn't the right time, or I'm not a right fit. It doesn't really matter I suppose. The point is that I felt really close to achieving something that I really wanted. I believed the assessment was virtually a formality, I probably was a little arrogant. It was my finish line knock back, and it hurt, and set me back. But I'm determined not to let it dictate how I move forward. Maybe one day I'll try again, maybe I won't, but whatever, I can't let a setback or frustration or anger hold me back from whatever God wants me to be and to do. 

I'm sure at some point or another, to a greater or lesser degree, we've all been hit by a finish line knock back; By a red shell smacking into us when we've least expected it. Whatever it was that knocked you off course, big or small, it's so important (but incredibly difficult) not to play the blame game, and look for somebody to shout at and argue with, even ourselves, even's really easy for me to say, I know that I don't know your individual circumstances, how big that red shell was, how much it affects you. but I do know the feeling of having something holding you down, making you fearful of trying again, but that's no way to live. And you'll miss out on all the wonderful things that God can do through you.

God isn't done with us yet

We have a God who cares about our futures, and doesn't want us held back from reaching our potential. And from being the very best version of ourselves.

Here's a couple of key quotes from the batman begins movie that are really appropriate here (and give me an excuse to quote a batman movie, which is always good.)

Alfred Pennyworth : "Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.

Bruce Wayne : You still haven't given up on me?

Alfred Pennyworth : Never."

Alfred Pennyworth : "I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do with your past, sir. Just know that there are those of us who care about what you do with your future."

That's a promise, and a conversation that I can really imagine God having with us. And a conversation that I would have with you...God won't give up on you, no matter how much you may have given up on yourself. He cares about you, your present and your future. If you're struggling and can't find that faith in yourself, please be assured that God has faith in you.

But let me be real for a moment, as Rocky said in Rocky Balboa (sorry for more movie quotes but it really fits and is just a great quote);

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

It's rarely quick or easy to get over a red shell moment. It's rarely easy to forgive those that we blame for our misfortunes or failures, it's often even harder to forgive ourselves. It takes time and real effort to heal, and move forward. It takes honesty with ourselves, it involves soul searching and prayer, and it involves turning to others for help, something that I really struggle with. That may be a friend, a minister a mentor, perhaps even a counsellor or other professional. There is no shame, absolutely none, in turning to others for help, in fact I see it as a sign of strength and courage.

But to quote Alfred Pennyworth again, as above:

"I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do with your past, sir. Just know that there are those of us who care about what you do with your future."

All these times we suffer or get knocked back can in a strange way become a positive thing.

Romans 5:3-4 seems really appropriate here:

"Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,"

I can't really unpack that verse any better than it unpacks's a great truth; it also happens to be one of the verses that I find kind of irritating. Achieving all it's promises is great, and honourable and all that; but it seems so simple when written down and layed out like that. It really isn't...but the reward both for the kingdom of God on earth,  our place in it, and for ourselves personally if we can achieve it, is immeasurable.

If you persevere, and move forward, trust in God, forgive others, even more importantly forgive yourself. Through self reflection, prayer and with time, you will find your purpose and your victory. It may very well not take the form you want or expect it to, but you will find it, and in doing so, you'll find peace and fulfilment.

A final word.

I thought I'd give the final word to the song 'Wake up O sleeper' by Graham Kendrick. This version Is sung by the Salvation Army's International staff songsters:

Wake up O sleeperAnd rise from the dead

And Christ will shine on you

Wake up O sleeper

And rise from the dead

And Christ will shine on you

Once you were darkness

But now you are light

Now you are light in the Lord

So as true children of light you must live

Showing the glory of God

This is the beautiful fruit of the light

The good, the righteous, the true

Let us discover what pleases the Lord

In everything that we do

As days get darker take care how you live

Not as unwise but as wise

Making the most

Of each moment he gives

And pressing on for the prize

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Disclaimer: the opinions and comments expressed in this blog are personal and do not necessarily represent the views and policies of the Salvation Army